What does the Native Garden Group do?
It was our job as the native garden group to educate people and show them the impact that gardens have in our life. Our group made goals that we wanted to complete throughout this project. Those goals were to; Plant native and drought-tolerant plants in the planter box in the front of the school, Selling seed packets including the flowers used in our garden to show the community what we did, Make signage that will educate people about the certain plants in our garden, and finally make sure that we set up a maintenance schedule for the plants. We were successfully able to accomplish all of these goals. With the help of our project partner Charlotte, we were able to plant in the planter box. She was able to give us information about the best plants for our garden. We made seed packets that were full of native meadow wildflowers that are from the bay area. Specifically the Marin area. After planting the gardens we made signs or plant biographies about each plant in the garden. These contain information about the plants and their specific needs. We were also able to make a maintenance schedule. This was a really important component because all of the plants require different amounts of water and maintenance plans. Throughout this project, we were able to expand our knowledge about gardening and the nature around us, and by doing this we provided more tips and tools to the public.